Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Patina of time.

"Monuments are anchors in time, Epochs pass, weather erodes, people lose interest. This cannot be helped. But Patina itself is worth appreciating. Patina is the value that age puts on an object. It's what makes an antique... antique. It is experience, maturity, the soft sheen of time. Patina wasn't present at the beginning of a new creation....It comes from a life lived."- John Yemma.

"Patina" Acrylic on 11x14 canvas.

Many years ago I picked up this lone chair at a flea market...It's patina screamed at me...It's sturdy legs and back holding up a variety of people over the years. Everyone that sees it thinks it is ugly, but to me it spoke of a life lived. I tried to imagine the many people that sat upon it, the lives that were lived around it...who was the first person to own it, and who was the first person to paint it white. Age has made it quite beautiful to me...It has it's place in my home and will probably be thrown out as junk when I die. Sadly we live in a throw away society....instead of honoring and preserving our past, we tear it down, shove it aside and just go on our merry way.
But ahh...my little chair holds my cat while I am on the computer, holds my grandaughter when we are drawing, holds books that I am reading...and occasionally holds me...It still speaks of a life lived...

Peace and Blessings....Kat.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Leaving your comfort zone.

"By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who you are truly capable of becoming."-Unknown.

Happy Sunday! It has been a reflective day for me...I started my day off with breakfast at my Son's House...He is such a great cook! Then I got into a great conversation with my Daughter-in-law which left me thinking about comfort zones.

I try to go outside of my comfort zone as much as I can ( you know old Boho gals like me are set in our ways) Who ever said You can't teach an old dog new tricks apparently never left their comfort zone! Whew!
Close up of w.i.p.

Any way this brings me around to my Art...I always start my work by sketching or drawing my subject lightly in pencil then painting it. With this painting I decided I would try something different, get out of my comfort zone and sketch with the paint brush. It felt unnatural at first, but then I started getting into the groove of it! Practice makes perfect...huh? Well I guess I had better get to practicing!
Peace and Blessings...Kat.

"we keep moving forward opening new doors, and doing new things  because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."-Walt Disney.